Novus Biologicals products are now on


Unlocking the Potential of Biosimilars in Immuno-Oncology

NPC1: A Potential Target For Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Hypoxia-Dependent CAR Stabilizing Construct in T cells Improves Solid Tumor Targeting and Efficacy

Tired T cells: Hypoxia Drives T cell Exhaustion in the Tumor Microenvironment

Synthetic Biotic Medicine as Immunotherapy Against Cancer: Evidence From Arginine-Producing Engineered Bacteria

Harnessing Natural Killer Cell Activity for Anti-Tumor Immunotherapy

Understanding ‘Y’ in Breast Cancer: Crucial Role of DNA/RNA-binding Protein YB-1 in the Development, Pre-Invasive, and Metastatic Phases

Taking Biomarker Discovery From 2D to 3D: Increased Biological Activity of EVs Isolated From 3D Prostate Cancer Cultures

Using CometChip to Characterize Extracellular Regulators of DNA Repair: Does CD73 Levels in Cancer Cells Affect DNA Repair by Regulating Levels of Intracellular NAD+?

Autophagy and RAS signaling: Clinical implications
