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Tired T cells: Hypoxia Drives T cell Exhaustion in the Tumor Microenvironment

Immune Cell Metabolic Flux Influences Type I Diabetes

Muscle-specific UBE2O ablation requires activated AMPKα2 to protect against metabolic syndrome

OXPAT: Regulating Lipid Metabolism during Dietary Fluctuations

OXPAT is the mammalian form of the PAT (perilipin, adipophilin, and TIP47) gene family that consists of proteins associated with lipid droplets (LDs) in fat-storing adipocyte cells.

LDL Receptor: Low Density, High Importance

The low density lipoprotein receptor coordinates the metabolism of cholesterol, an essential component of the mammalian cell plasma membranes. Study of this carefully balanced system has led to an enhanced understanding of cholesterol homeostasis at the cellular level. Receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME) is an important mechanism of metabolic regulation.

LDL Receptor: Low Density, High Importance

The low density lipoprotein receptor coordinates the metabolism of cholesterol, an essential component of the mammalian cell plasma membranes. Study of this carefully balanced system has led to an enhanced understanding of cholesterol homeostasis at the cellular level. Receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME) is an important mechanism of metabolic regulation.

SR-BI Antibodies: A Potential for Blocking Hepatitis C Uptake

Scavenger Receptor Class B Membrane 1, also known as SR-BI plays an important role in lipid metabolism. Its main function is to mediate transfer of cholesterol between the cell surface and high density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL acts as an extracellular donor and acceptor of free and esterified Cholesterol. SR-BI also acts as a receptor for other ligands including lipoproteins, apoptotic cells and phospholipids.

How do Lipase A and the CD36 Antibody Relate to Each Other

Obesity, diabetes and metabolic disorders are dramatically on the increase, linked to disorders such as heart disease, stroke and cancer. To combat this, research groups are studying metabolism at both a cellular and a systemic level.