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Nodal Signaling Pathway Bioinformatics

Disease and disorder research has been conducted in relation to the Nodal Signaling Pathway and Malignant Neoplasms, Neoplasms, Bisphosphonate-associated Osteonecrosis, Neoplasm Metastasis, Melanoma. The study of the Nodal Signaling Pathway has been mentioned in research publications which can be found using our bioinformatics tool below. The Nodal Signaling Pathway has been researched in relation to Endoderm Formation, Gastrulation, Mesoderm Formation, Menstruation, Cell Differentiation. The Nodal Signaling Pathway complements our catalog of research reagents including antibodies and ELISA kits against NODAL, SMAD2, LEFTY, TDGF1, FOXH1.

Top Research Reagents

We have 1981 products for the study of the Nodal Signaling Pathway that can be applied to Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP), Flow Cytometry, Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry, Western Blot from our catalog of antibodies and ELISA kits.

Western Blot: Activin RIB/ALK-4 Antibody (3U6I8) [NBP3-16106] - Western blot analysis of extracts of various cell lines, using Activin RIB/ALK-4 Rabbit mAb (NBP3-16106) at 1:1000 dilution. Secondary antibody: HRP Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) at 1:10000 dilution. Lysates/proteins: 25ug per lane. Blocking buffer: 3% nonfat dry milk in TBST. Detection: ECL Basic Kit. Exposure time: 3min.Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: Activin RIB/ALK-4 Antibody (3U6I8) [NBP3-16106] - Immunohistochemistry of paraffin-embedded mouse brain using Activin RIB/ALK-4 Rabbit mAb (NBP3-16106) at dilution of 1:100 (40x lens).Perform microwave antigen retrieval with 10 mM Tris/EDTA buffer pH 9.0 before commencing with IHC staining protocol.

Rabbit Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

Western Blot: CRIPTO Antibody [NB100-1598] - Total protein from human HeLa, NTERA-2 and spleen and embryonic mouse V6.5 cells was separated on a 12% gel by SDS-PAGE, transferred to PVDF membrane and blocked in 5% non-fat milk in TBST. The membrane was probed with 2.0 ug/ml anti-Cripto in 1% non-fat milk in TBST and detected with an anti-rabbit HRP secondary antibody using chemiluminescence.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: CRIPTO Antibody [NB100-1598] - CRIPTO  antibody was tested in HeLa cells with Dylight 488 (green). Nuclei and alpha-tubulin were counterstained with DAPI (blue) and Dylight 550 (red).

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse
Applications WB, Flow, ICC/IF

3 Publications
Western Blot: Nicalin Antibody [NBP1-81002] - Analysis of mouse brain lysate. Image from verified customer review.Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: Nicalin Antibody [NBP1-81002] - Staining of human skeletal muscle shows moderate cytoplasmic positivity in myocytes.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse
Applications IHC, IHC-P

     1 Review

1 Publication
Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: NDRG1 Antibody [NBP1-86636] - Analysis in human prostate and skeletal muscle tissues. Corresponding NDRG1 RNA-seq data are presented for the same tissues.Western Blot: NDRG1 Antibody [NBP1-86636] - Analysis in human cell lines HEK293 and MCF-7. Corresponding NDRG1 RNA-seq data are presented for the same cell lines. Loading control: Anti-HSP90B1.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Rat
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

5 Publications
PC-12 cells were stained with Mouse Anti-Rat ALK‑7 Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # MAB5771, filled histogram) or isotype control antibody (Catalog # <a class=NoLineLink href=

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Rat
Applications WB, Flow, CyTOF-ready

     1 Review

Western blot shows lysates of BG01V human embryonic stem cells and D3 mouse embryonic stem cell line. PVDF membrane was probed with 0.5 µg/mL of Goat Anti-Human/Mouse Oct-3/4 Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF1759) followed by HRP-conjugated Anti-Goat IgG Secondary Antibody (Catalog # <a class=Alkaline phosphatase (ALPL) and Oct-3/4 were detected in human BG01V embryonic stem cells using 10 µg/mL Human/Mouse/Rat ALPL Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # <a class=

Goat Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse
Applications WB, Simple Western, IP

73 Publications

Sheep Polyclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, ICC

2 Publications
Western blot shows lysates of BG01V human embryonic stem cells untreated (-) or endoderm differentiated (+). PVDF membrane was probed with 1 µg/mL of Goat Anti-Human SOX17 Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF1924) followed by HRP-conjugated Anti-Goat IgG Secondary Antibody (<a class=Endoderm-differentiated D3 mouse embryonic stem cell line was fixed using formaldehyde, resuspended in lysis buffer, and sonicated to shear chromatin. SOX17/DNA complexes were immunoprecipitated using 5 µg Goat Anti-Human SOX17 Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF1924) or control antibody (<a class=

Goat Polyclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, Simple Western, ChIP

     3 Reviews

457 Publications
Western blot shows lysates of A549 human lung carcinoma cell line, Jurkat human acute T cell leukemia cell line, HEK293 human embryonic kidney cell line, and C2C12 mouse myoblast cell line. PVDF membrane was probed with 0.5 µg/mL Goat Anti-Human/Mouse Smad2/3 Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF3797) followed by HRP-conjugated Anti-Goat IgG Secondary Antibody (Catalog # <a class=Jurkat human acute T cell leukemia cell line treated with 50 ng/mL PMA and 200 ng/mL calcium ionomycin for 30 minutes was fixed using formaldehyde, resuspended in lysis buffer, and sonicated to shear chromatin. Smad2/3/DNA complexes were immunoprecipitated using 5 μg Goat Anti-Human/Mouse Smad2/3 Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF3797) or control antibody (Catalog # <A class=NoLineLink href=

Goat Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse
Applications WB, Simple Western, IHC

     1 Review

24 Publications
PITX2 was detected in immersion fixed paraffin-embedded sections of human thyroid cancer tissue using Sheep Anti-Human PITX2 Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF7388) at 3 µg/mL overnight at 4 °C. Before incubation with the primary antibody, tissue was subjected to heat-induced epitope retrieval using Antigen Retrieval Reagent-Basic (Catalog # <a class=

Sheep Polyclonal
Species Human
Applications IHC

8 Publications

Rat Monoclonal
Species Mouse
Applications WB

1 Publication
Recombinant human TGF-beta 1 (<a class=NoLineLink href=

Species Human
Applications BA

53 Publications

Species Human
Applications BA

20 Publications
Recombinant Human BMP‑4 (Catalog # 314-BP) induces BMP responsive SEAP reporter activity in HEK293 human embryonic kidney cells. The ED<sub>50</sub> for this effect is 0.70-7.00 ng/mL.1 ug/lane of Recombinant Human BMP-4 was resolved with SDS-PAGE under reducing (R) and non-reducing (NR) conditions and visualized by silver staining, showing major bands at 22-25 kDa and 37-41 kDa, respectively. Multiple bands in gel are due to variable glycosylation.<p style=

Species Human
Applications BA, BA

504 Publications
Recombinant Human EGF Protein (Catalog # 236-EG) has a molecular weight (MW) of 6.7 kDa as analyzed by SEC-MALS, suggesting that this protein is a monomer.Recombinant Human EGF (Catalog # 236‑EG) stimulates cell proliferation of the Balb/3T3 mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line. The ED<sub>50</sub> for this effect is 20‑100 pg/mL.

Species Human
Applications BA

791 Publications
Western Blot: STK38L Antibody (OTI4D8) [NBP2-45983] - Analysis of HEK293T cells were transfected with the pCMV6-ENTRY control (Left lane) or pCMV6-ENTRY STK38L.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: STK38L Antibody (OTI4D8) [NBP2-45983] - Analysis  of COS7 cells transiently transfected by pCMV6-ENTRY STK38L.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

Western Blot: Smad3 Antibody [NB100-56479] - Analysis in human fibroblast and HeLa whole cell lysates. Untreated lysates show a  band around 55 kDa. 1:1000 dilution, 1 hour blocking in milk 5%. WB image submitted by a verified customer review.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: Smad3 Antibody [NB100-56479] - HeLa cells were fixed for 10 minutes using 10% formalin and then permeabilized for 5 minutes using 1X PBS + 0.5% Triton X-100. The cells were incubated with anti-Smad3 at 10 ug/mL overnight at 4C and detected with an anti-rabbit DyLight 488 (Green) at a 1:500 dilution. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (Blue). Cells were imaged using a 40X objective.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

     5 Reviews

8 Publications
Western Blot: SUR1 Antibody (S289-16) [NBP2-59320] - Western Blot analysis of Rat Brain Membrane showing detection of ~160 kDa SUR1 protein using Mouse Anti-SUR1 Monoclonal Antibody, Clone S289-16 (NBP2-59320). Lane 1: Molecular Weight Ladder. Lane 2: Rat Brain Membrane. Load: 15 ug. Block: 2% BSA and 2% Skim Milk in 1X TBST. Primary Antibody: Mouse Anti-SUR1 Monoclonal Antibody (NBP2-59320) at 1:200 for 16 hours at 4C. Secondary Antibody: Goat Anti-Mouse IgG: HRP at 1:1000 for 1 hour RT. Color Development: ECL solution for 6 min in RT. Predicted/Observed Size: ~160 kDa.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: SUR1 Antibody (S289-16) [NBP2-59320] - Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence analysis using Mouse Anti-SUR1 Monoclonal Antibody, Clone S289-16 (NBP2-59320). Tissue: Neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y). Species: Human. Fixation: 4% PFA for 15 min. Primary Antibody: Mouse Anti-SUR1 Monoclonal Antibody (NBP2-59320) at 1:50 for overnight at 4C with slow rocking. Secondary Antibody: AlexaFluor 488 at 1:1000 for 1 hour at RT. Counterstain: Phalloidin-iFluor 647 (red) F-Actin stain; Hoechst (blue) nuclear stain at 1:800, 1.6mM for 20 min at RT. (A) Hoechst (blue) nuclear stain. (B) Phalloidin-iFluor 647 (red) F-Actin stain. (C) SUR1 Antibody (D) Composite.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

     2 Reviews

4 Publications