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LC3B: From Autophagy to Cancer

LC3B is subunit component of the LC3 autophagy biomarker associated with microtubule-associated proteins MAP1A and MAP1B and one of the best characterized markers to date. In resting state, it is cytosolic, but upon activation, is lapidated and becomes embedded in the autophagosomal membrane.

The Role of LC3 within the Autophagic Pathway

We at Novus Biologicals have a broad antibody database covering the area of autophagy - over 1400 reagents in total. Autophagy is the bulk degradation of cytoplasmic components - literally, self-digestion of the cell. Double-membrane vesicles, called autophagosomes, carry unwanted cell components to the lysosomes within an inner autophagic membrane. They then fuse, liberating the autophagic body and its contents into the lumen of the vacuole for degradation. This is a complex process involving at least 16 proteins.

Novus Customer Focus - The Nelson Lab of ASU's Biodesign Institute

Dr. Randall Nelson and his Molecular Biomarkers Lab Team are the topic of this week's Novus Customer Focus. At Arizona State University's Biodesign Institute, Dr. Nelson and his lab conduct biomarker research to investigate and understand how biomarkers function and how they can be used in medical applications.