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Seedling Development Pathway Bioinformatics

Disease and disorder research has been conducted in relation to the Seedling Development Pathway and Physiological Stress, Dehydration, Plant Diseases, Skin Callus, Albinism. The study of the Seedling Development Pathway has been mentioned in research publications which can be found using our bioinformatics tool below. The Seedling Development Pathway has been researched in relation to Germination, Seed Germination, Photomorphogenesis, Transport, Root Development. The Seedling Development Pathway complements our catalog of research reagents including antibodies and ELISA kits against TNFSF14, CARD16, RFWD2, GUS, GUSB.

Top Research Reagents

We have 2213 products for the study of the Seedling Development Pathway that can be applied to Flow Cytometry, Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry, Western Blot from our catalog of antibodies and ELISA kits.

Western Blot: NOD2 Antibody (2D9) [NB100-524] - HCMV infection induces NOD2 mRNA and protein in HFFs and U373 cells. E. U373 glioma cells were infected with HCMV Towne strain and levels of NOD1, NOD2 and GAPDH mRNAs were measured by qRT-PCR at indicated time points. F. HFFs were infected with HCMV (Towne) at MOI of 1 PFU/cell and levels of NOD2 protein and B-actin were determined 48 and 72 hpi. G. HFFs were infected with HCMV (Towne) strain at MOI of 0.03 or 3 PFU/cell and levels of NOD2 protein and B-actin were determined at 48 hpi. Quantitative data represent mean values (+/-SD) of triplicate determinations from three independent experiments (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, one-way ANOVA test). Image collected and cropped by CiteAb from the following publication (// licensed under a CC-BY license.Immunohistochemistry-Frozen: NOD2 Antibody (2D9) [NB100-524] - Overlay of NOD2-DyLight 488 (green) with phase contrast of murine colon.  Image from verified customer review.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse
Applications WB, Flow, ICC/IF

     1 Review

26 Publications
Western Blot: eRF1 Antibody [NBP1-31113] - Various whole cell extracts (30 ug) were separated by 10% SDS-PAGE, and the membrane was blotted with eRF1 antibody diluted at 1:500.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: eRF1 Antibody [NBP1-31113] - A431 cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde at RT for 15 min. Green: eRF1 protein stained by eRF1 antibody diluted at 1:500. Red: alpha Tubulin, a cytoskeleton marker, stained by alpha Tubulin antibody [114] diluted at 1:1000. Blue: Hoechst 33342 staining.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

2 Publications
Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: COP Antibody [NB100-856] - Analysis of paraformaldehyde fixed U2OS cells, permeabilized with 0.15% Triton. Primary incubation 1hr (10ug/ml) followed by Alexa Fluor 488 secondary antibody (2ug/ml), showing mitochondrial staining. The nuclear stain is DAPI (blue). Negative control: Unimmunized goat IgG (10ug/ml) followed by Alexa Fluor 488 secondary antibody (2ug/ml).Flow Cytometry: COP Antibody [NB100-856] - Analysis of paraformaldehyde fixed A549 cells (blue line), permeabilized with 0.5% Triton. Primary incubation 1hr (10ug/ml) followed by Alexa Fluor 488 secondary antibody (1ug/ml). IgG control: Unimmunized goat IgG (black line) followed by Alexa Fluor 488 secondary antibody.

Goat Polyclonal
Species Human
Applications Flow, ICC/IF, PEP-ELISA

1 Publication
Western Blot: Pancreatic Amylase Alpha Antibody (6D4) [NBP1-47659] - Pancreatic Amylase Alpha Antibody (6D4) HEK293T cells were transfected with the pCMV6-ENTRY control (Left lane) or pCMV6-ENTRY Pancreatic Amylase(Right lane) cDNA for 48 hrs and lysed. Equivalent amounts of cell lysates (5 ug per lane) were separated by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with anti-Pancreatic Amylase.Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: Pancreatic Amylase Alpha Antibody (6D4) [NBP1-47659] - Pancreatic Amylase Alpha Antibody (6D4) Staining of paraffin-embedded ovary using anti-Pancreatic Amylase mouse monoclonal antibody.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, IHC, IHC-P

     1 Review

Western Blot: PORCN Antibody [NBP1-59677] - Sample Tissue: Human Hela Antibody Dilution: 1.0 ug/mlImmunohistochemistry: PORCN Antibody [NBP1-59677] - SampleType: Mouse Uterus - Dilution 1 in 300. - secondary antibody dilution 1 in 1000.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse
Applications WB, IHC, IHC-P

5 Publications
Western Blot: GLS2 Antibody [NBP1-76544] - Glutaminase protein expression in PC3 and PC3M cell lines before/after CB-839 treatment. PC3 & PC3M cells were treated (+) or not treated (-) with GLS1 inhibitor CB-839 (1 uM) and their expression of GLS1 & GLS2 proteins determined by Western blot. Antibodies specific for GAC & KCA were utilized on two replicate samples, while GLS2 expression was determined on three. PC3 cell lysates expressed GLS2 more than PC3M cell lysates regardless of CB-839 treatment. The difference in GLS2 expression was significant in the untreated cells (P?<?0.03) but because of high variability the difference was not significant in the drug-treated cells. Levels of GLS1 (GAC and KGA) were similar in all cell lysates. Image collected and cropped by CiteAb from the following publication (, licensed under a CC-BY license.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: GLS2 Antibody [NBP1-76544] - of GLS2 in Human Kidney cells. Dilution 20 ug/mL.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, Simple Western, ELISA

7 Publications
Western Blot: Calcium Channel Flower Homolog Antibody [NBP1-84307] - Lane 1: Marker [kDa] 250, 130, 95, 72, 55, 36, 28, 17, 10<br/>Lane 2: Negative control (vector only transfected HEK293T lysate)<br/>Lane 3: Over-expression lysate (Co-expressed with a C-terminal myc-DDK tag (~3.1 kDa) in mammalian HEK293T cells, LY413631)Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: Calcium Channel Flower Homolog Antibody [NBP1-84307] - Staining of human cell line U-2 OS shows positivity in nucleus but not nucleoli. Antibody staining is shown in green.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, ICC/IF

Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: beta-Glucuronidase/GUSB Antibody [NBP1-87511] - Analysis in human liver and skeletal muscle tissues using NBP1-87511 antibody. Corresponding GUSB RNA-seq data are presented for the same tissues.Western Blot: beta-Glucuronidase/GUSB Antibody [NBP1-87511] - Analysis in control (vector only transfected HEK293T lysate) and GUSB over-expression lysate (Co-expressed with a C-terminal myc-DDK tag (3.1 kDa) in mammalian HEK293T cells).

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: AGA Antibody [NBP1-88866] - Staining in human epididymis and skeletal muscle tissues using anti-AGA antibody. Corresponding AGA RNA-seq data are presented for the same tissues.Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: AGA Antibody [NBP1-88866] - Staining of human epididymis shows high expression.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human
Applications IHC, IHC-P

1 Publication
Western Blot: RACK1/GNB2L1 Antibody (2D8) [NBP2-00612] -  HEK293T cells were transfected with the pCMV6-ENTRY control (Left lane) or pCMV6-ENTRY GNB2L1 (Right lane) cDNA for 48 hrs and lysed. Equivalent amounts of cell lysates (5 ug per lane) were separated by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with anti-GNB2L1.Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: RACK1/GNB2L1 Antibody (2D8) [NBP2-00612] -  Staining of paraffin-embedded Human lymph node tissue using anti-GNB2L1 mouse monoclonal antibody.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, Flow, IHC

Western Blot: ERF Antibody [NBP2-16366] - Whole cell extract (30 ug) was separated by 10% SDS-PAGE, and the membrane was blotted with ERF antibody (GTX114971) diluted at 1:1000. The HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody (NBP2-19301) was used to detect the primary antibody.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: ERF Antibody [NBP2-16366] -  HeLa cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde at RT for 15 min. Green: ERF stained by ERF antibody diluted at 1:500. Red: phalloidin, a cytoskeleton marker, diluted at 1:100. Scale bar= 10um.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: ABI3 Antibody [NBP2-30583] - Analysis in human tonsil and pancreas tissues.  Corresponding ABI3 RNA-seq data are presented for the same tissues.Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: ABI3 Antibody [NBP2-30583] - Staining of human pancreas shows no cytoplasmic positivity in exocrine glandular cells as expected.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human
Applications IHC, IHC-P

Knockout Validated: FUS Antibody [NB100-565] - Western blot shows lysates of HEK293 human embryonic kidney parental cell line and FUS knockout (KO) HEK293 human embryonic kidney cell line. PVDF membrane was probed with 1:1000 of Rabbit Anti-Human FUS Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # NB100-565) followed by HRP-conjugated Anti-Rabbit IgG Secondary Antibody (Catalog #HAF008). Specific band was detected for FUS at approximately 75 kDa (as indicated) in the parental HEK293 celll line, but is not detectable in the knockout HEK293 cell line. This experiment was conducted under reducing conditions.Western Blot: FUS Antibody [NB100-565] - FUS activates GSK-3beta in transfected cells and transgenic mice A. Cells were transfected with either control vector (CTRL), HA-FUS, HA-FUSR521C or HA FUSR518K and the samples probed on immunoblots for GSK-3beta phosphorylated on serine 9 (GSK-3beta-S9), total GSK-3beta, FUS (using FUS antibody) and tubulin as a loading control. Phosphorylation of GSK-3beta serine 9 is the principal mechanism for regulating its activity; serine 9 phosphorylation inhibits GSK-3beta activity. Bar chart shows relative levels of GSK-3beta serine 9 phosphorylation following quantification of signals from immunoblots and normalization to total GSK-3beta signals. Data were analysed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test. N = 4, error bars are s.e.m.; *P < 0.05. Image collected and cropped by CiteAb from the following publication (, licensed under a CC-BY license.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

     4 Reviews

31 Publications
Recombinant Human CTLA-4 Fc Chimera (Catalog # 7268-CT) inhibits IL-2 secretion by stimulated Jurkat human acute Tcell leukemia cells. The ED<sub>50</sub> for this effect is 0.03-0.15 μg/mL whenstimulated with 1 μg/mL Recombinant Human B7‑1/CD80 Fc Chimera (Catalog # <a class=

Species Human
Applications BA

3 Publications
<P align=left>Recombinant Human LIGHT/TNFSF14 (Catalog # 664-LI) stimulates cell proliferation in HUVEC human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The ED<SUB>50</SUB> is 1-4 ng/mL.</P><p align=

Species Human
Applications BA

21 Publications
Western Blot: COP1 Antibody (1E4) [H00064326-M01] - RFWD2 monoclonal antibody (M01), clone 1E4 Analysis of RFWD2 expression in NIH/3T3.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: COP1 Antibody (1E4) [H00064326-M01] - Analysis of monoclonal antibody to RFWD2 on NIH/3T3 cell. Antibody concentration 10 ug/ml.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse
Applications WB, ELISA, ICC/IF

Western Blot: COPS8 Antibody [H00010920-B01P] - Analysis of COPS8 expression in rat brain.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: COPS8 Antibody [H00010920-B01P] - Analysis of purified antibody to COPS8 on HeLa cell. (antibody concentration 10 ug/ml)

Mouse Polyclonal
Species Human, Rat
Applications WB, ICC/IF

Western Blot: HLA DQ/DR/DP Antibody (HLA-Pan/2967R) - Azide and BSA Free [NBP2-79843] - Western Blot Analysis of Ramos cell lysate using HLA DQ/DR/DP Antibody (HLA-Pan/2967R).Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: HLA DQ/DR/DP Antibody (HLA-Pan/2967R) - Azide and BSA Free [NBP2-79843] - Immunofluorescence staining of PFA-fixed Ramos cells. HLA DQ/DR/DP Recombinant Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody (HLA DQ/DR/DP/2967R) followed by goat anti-rabbit IgG-CF488 (green). Nuclei stained with RedDot.

Rabbit Monoclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, ELISA, Flow