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Lactation Pathway Bioinformatics

Disease and disorder research has been conducted in relation to the Lactation Pathway and Mastitis, Mastitis, Bovine, Cattle Diseases, Malignant Neoplasms, Malnutrition. The study of the Lactation Pathway has been mentioned in research publications which can be found using our bioinformatics tool below. The Lactation Pathway has been researched in relation to Parturition, Secretion, Mating, Ovulation, Excretion. The Lactation Pathway complements our catalog of research reagents including antibodies and ELISA kits against PRL, INS, MILK PROTEIN, IGF1, OXYTOCIN.

Top Research Reagents

We have 4036 products for the study of the Lactation Pathway that can be applied to Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP), Flow Cytometry, Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry, Western Blot from our catalog of antibodies and ELISA kits.

Western Blot: Ceruloplasmin Antibody (6C3K9) [NBP3-15868] - Analysis of extracts of various cell lines, using Ceruloplasmin antibody (NBP3-15868) at 1:5000 dilution. Secondary antibody: HRP Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) at 1:10000 dilution. Lysates/proteins: 25ug per lane. Blocking buffer: 3% nonfat dry milk in TBST. Detection: ECL Basic Kit. Exposure time: 1s.Immunohistochemistry: Ceruloplasmin Antibody (6C3K9) [NBP3-15868] - Immunofluorescence analysis of mouse liver using Ceruloplasmin Rabbit mAb (NBP3-15868) at dilution of 1:100 (40x lens). Blue: DAPI for nuclear staining.

Rabbit Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ELISA, ICC/IF

Western Blot: PBX1 Antibody (4A2) [H00005087-M01] - PBX1 monoclonal antibody (M01), clone 4A2 Analysis of PBX1 expression in Hela S3 NE.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: PBX1 Antibody (4A2) [H00005087-M01] - Analysis of monoclonal antibody to PBX1 on HeLa cell. Antibody concentration 10 ug/ml.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Monkey
Applications WB, ELISA, ICC/IF

12 Publications
Western Blot: Nesfatin-1/Nucleobindin-2 Antibody [NBP1-87383] - Analysis in U-87MG ATCC cells transfected with control siRNA, target specific siRNA probe #1 and #2,. Remaining relative intensity is presented. Loading control: Anti-GAPDH.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: Nesfatin-1/Nucleobindin-2 Antibody [NBP1-87383] - Staining of human cell line U-2 OS shows localization to the Golgi apparatus. Antibody staining is shown in green.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

4 Publications
Western Blot: gamma-glutamyl hydrolase Antibody [NBP1-90927] - Analysis in control (vector only transfected HEK293T lysate) and GGH over-expression lysate (Co-expressed with a C-terminal myc-DDK tag (3.1 kDa) in mammalian HEK293T cells).Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: gamma-glutamyl hydrolase Antibody [NBP1-90927] - Staining of human skeletal muscle shows very weak cytoplsmic positivity in myocytes.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, IHC, IHC-P

1 Publication
Immunohistochemistry: POMC Antibody [NB100-1533] - Representative confocal images of POMC in POMC-transfected WT and Sel1L-/- N2a cells. White arrows point to POMC-containing secretory granules, while yellow arrows point to perinuclear POMC. KDEL marks the ER. Representative data from at least 2 independent experiments are shown. Image collected and cropped by CiteAb from the following publication (, licensed under a CC-BY license.Flow Cytometry: POMC Antibody [NB100-1533] - Flow cytometric analysis of paraformaldehyde fixed A431 cells (blue line), permeabilized with 0.5% Triton. Primary incubation 1hr (10 ug/mL) followed by Alexa Fluor 488 secondary antibody (1 ug/mL). IgG control: Unimmunized goat IgG (black line) followed by Alexa Fluor 488 secondary antibody.

Goat Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, Flow, ICC/IF

10 Publications
Western blot shows lysates of human, mouse, and rat pituitary gland tissue. PVDF membrane was probed with 0.5 µg/mL of Goat Anti-Human Growth Hormone Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF1067) followed by HRP-conjugated Anti-Goat IgG Secondary Antibody (Catalog # <a class=Growth Hormone was detected in immersion fixed paraffin-embedded sections of human pituitary using Goat Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Growth Hormone Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF1067) at 10 µg/mL overnight at 4 °C. Tissue was stained using the Anti-Goat HRP-DAB Cell & Tissue Staining Kit (brown; Catalog # <a class=

Goat Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ELISA, IHC

15 Publications
Insulin was detected in immersion fixed  beta TC-6 mouse beta cell insulinoma cell line using Human/Mouse/Bovine Insulin Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # MAB1417) at 10 µg/mL for 3 hours at room temperature. Cells were stained using the NorthernLights™ 557-conjugated Anti-Rat IgG Secondary Antibody (red; Catalog # <a class=Insulin was detected in immersion fixed paraffin-embedded sections of human pancreas using Rat Anti-Human/Mouse/Bovine Insulin Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # MAB1417) at 0.5 µg/mL for 1 hour at room temperature followed by incubation with the Anti-Rat IgG VisUCyte™ HRP Polymer Antibody (<a class=

Rat Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Bovine
Applications IHC, CyTOF-ready, ICC

24 Publications
Western blot shows lysates of human heart tissue. PVDF membrane was probed with 2 µg/mL of Mouse Anti-Human DMPK Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # MAB6967) followed by HRP-conjugated Anti-Mouse IgG Secondary Antibody (Catalog # <a class=

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human
Applications WB

Western blot shows lysates of mouse pituitary tissue and rat pituitary tissue. PVDF membrane was probed with 0.25 µg/mL of Goat Anti-Mouse/Rat Prolactin Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF1445) followed by HRP-conjugated Anti-Goat IgG Secondary Antibody (<a class=Recombinant Mouse Prolactin (<a class=

Goat Polyclonal
Species Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, Simple Western, IHC

7 Publications
Western blot shows lysates of HeLa human cervical epithelial carcinoma cell line, Daudi human Burkitt's lymphoma cell line, NIH-3T3 mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line, M1 mouse myeloid leukemia cell line, and PC-12 rat adrenal pheochromocytoma cell line. PVDF membrane was probed with 0.2 µg/mL of Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse STAT5b Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF1584) followed by HRP-conjugated Anti-Rabbit IgG Secondary Antibody (<a class=STAT5b was detected in immersion fixed HepG2 human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line using Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse STAT5b Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF1584) at 5 µg/mL for 3 hours at room temperature. Cells were stained using the NorthernLights™ 557-conjugated Anti-Rabbit IgG Secondary Antibody (red; <a class=

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse
Applications WB, Simple Western, IP

     1 Review

8 Publications
Western blot shows lysates of K562 human chronic myelogenous leukemia cell line and M1 mouse myeloid leukemia cell line. PVDF membrane was probed with 1 µg/mL of Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse STAT5a/b Pan Specific Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF2168) followed by HRP-conjugated Anti-Rabbit IgG Secondary Antibody (Catalog # <a class=BaF3 mouse pro-B cell line treated with 10 ng/mL Recombinant Mouse IL‑3 (Catalog # <A class=NoLineLink href=

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse
Applications WB, Simple Western, ChIP

28 Publications
Western blot shows lysate of human liver tissue. PVDF membrane was probed with 1 µg/mL of Mouse Anti-Human Serum Albumin Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # MAB1455) followed by HRP-conjugated Anti-Mouse IgG Secondary Antibody (Catalog # <a class=Albumin was detected in immersion fixed BG01V human embryonic stem cells differentiated to hepatocytes using Mouse Anti-Human Serum Albumin Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # MAB1455) at 10 µg/mL for 3 hours at room temperature. Cells were stained using the NorthernLights™ 557-conjugated Anti-Mouse IgG Secondary Antibody (red; Catalog # <a class=

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, Simple Western, IHC

     3 Reviews

54 Publications
Western Blot: PLOD1 Antibody [NBP2-38770] - Analysis in human cell line U-251 MG and human cell line RT-4.Western Blot: PLOD1 Antibody [NBP2-38770] - Analysis in human cell line U-87 MG.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse
Applications WB, IHC-P

3 Publications
Recombinant Human IGF-I/IGF-1 (Catalog # 291-G1) stimulates proliferation in the MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line. The ED<sub>50</sub> for this effect is 0.3‑1.5 ng/mL.1 μg/lane of Recombinant Human IGF-I/IGF-1 was resolved with SDS-PAGE under reducing (R) conditions and visualized by silver staining, showing a single band at 7 kDa.

Species Human
Applications BA

219 Publications
Recombinant Human TNF-alpha (Catalog # 210-TA) has a molecular weight (MW) of 53.1 kDa as analyzed by SEC-MALS, suggesting that this protein is a homotrimer.  MW may differ from predicted MW due to post-translational modifications (PTMs) present (i.e. Glycosylation).Recombinant Human TNF-alpha  (Catalog # 210‑TA) induces cytotoxicity in the L-929 mouse fibroblast cell line in the presence of the metabolic inhibitor actinomycin D. The ED<sub>50</sub> for this effect is 25‑100 pg/mL.

Species Human
Applications BA

     3 Reviews

807 Publications
Western blot shows lysates of human parathyroid tissue. PVDF membrane was probed with 2 µg/mL of Mouse Anti-Human PTH Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # MAB7665) followed by HRP-conjugated Anti-Mouse IgG Secondary Antibody (Catalog # <a class=PTH was detected in immersion fixed paraffin-embedded sections of human parathyroid gland using Mouse Anti-Human PTH Monoclonal Antibody (Catalog # MAB7665) at 5 µg/mL overnight at 4 °C. Tissue was stained using the Anti-Mouse HRP-DAB Cell & Tissue Staining Kit (brown; Catalog # <a class=

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, IHC

N/A Leptin/OB [HRP]N/A Leptin/OB [HRP]

Species Mouse, Rat
Applications ELISA

184 Publications