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Autoimmune Diseases Of The Nervous System: Disease Bioinformatics

Autoimmune Diseases of the Nervous System are diseases where the immune system mistakenly attacks the Nervous System. Two diseases that are classified as Autoimmune Diseases of the Nervous System include Multiple Sclerosis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome. The cause of Autoimmune Diseases of the Nervous System is unknown, yet genetic as well as environmental components are thoughts to be involved. Unfortunately, many Autoimmune Diseases of the Nervous System are chronic, so treatments focus on slowing symptoms through regulation of the immune system.

Top Research Reagents

We have 5699 products for the study of Autoimmune Diseases Of The Nervous System that can be applied to Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP), Flow Cytometry, Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry, Western Blot from our catalog of antibodies and ELISA kits.

N/A IL-6 [HRP]N/A IL-6 [HRP]

Species Human

764 Publications
Western Blot: BMAL1 Antibody [NB100-2288] - Oxidation causes accumulation of BMAL1. Head and neck cancer cells have different expression levels of the core clock protein BMAL1. Image collected and cropped by CiteAb from the following publication ( licensed under a CC-BY license.Immunohistochemistry: BMAL1 Antibody [NB100-2288] - Analysis of BMAL1 in mouse cerebral cortex (left: wt, right: Bmal1 KO) using anti-BMAL1 antibody. Image from verified customer review.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, Flow, ICC/IF

     1 Review

70 Publications
Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: Aquaporin-4 Antibody [NBP1-87679] - Analysis in human cerebral cortex and liver tissues.   Corresponding AQP4 RNA-seq data are presented for the same tissues.Western Blot: Aquaporin-4 Antibody [NBP1-87679] - Analysis in human brain tissue.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

     2 Reviews

20 Publications
Western Blot: SAMHD1 Antibody (OTI3F5) [NBP2-03285] - Analysis of extracts (35ug) from 9 different cell lines by using anti-SAMHD1 monoclonal antibody.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: SAMHD1 Antibody (OTI3F5) [NBP2-03285] - Staining of COS7 cells transiently transfected by pCMV6-ENTRY SAMHD1.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, Flow, ICC/IF

4 Publications
Western Blot: TREX1 Antibody [NBP2-29617] - Analysis of TREX1 partial recombinant protein by using TREX1 antibody at a concentration of 1ug/ml.Immunohistochemistry-Frozen: TREX1 Antibody [NBP2-29617] - Analysis of FFPE tissue section of human normal stomach using rabbit polyclonal TREX1 antibody at 7.5 ug/ml concentration. Specific cytoplasmic and nuclear staining was observed in the glandular cells/mucosal epithelium of stomach [Magnification 10X].

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, IHC, IHC-Fr

Western blot shows lysates of human brain (hypothalamus) tissue, mouse brain (total) tissue, and rat brain (total) tissue. PVDF membrane was probed with 1 µg/mL of Goat Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GAD1/GAD67 Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF2086) followed by HRP-conjugated Anti-Goat IgG Secondary Antibody <a class=GAD1/GAD67 was detected in immersion fixed paraffin-embedded sections of human spinal cord using 15 µg/mL Goat Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GAD1/GAD67 Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF2086) overnight at 4 °C. Tissue was stained with the Anti-Goat HRP-DAB Cell & Tissue Staining Kit (brown; <a class=

Goat Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, Simple Western, IHC

13 Publications

Species Human
Applications BA

44 Publications
Recombinant Human IFN-gamma (Catalog # 285-IF) has a molecular weight (MW) of 34.9 kDa as analyzed by SEC-MALS, suggesting that this protein is a homodimer.  MW may differ from predicted MW due to post-translational modifications (PTMs) present (i.e. Glycosylation).1 μg/lane of Recombinant Human IFN-gamma  was resolved with SDS-PAGE under reducing (R) conditions and visualized by silver staining, showing a single band at 17 kDa.

Species Human
Applications BA

     2 Reviews

445 Publications

Species Rat
Applications BA

19 Publications
Recombinant Human TNF-alpha (Catalog # 210-TA) has a molecular weight (MW) of 53.1 kDa as analyzed by SEC-MALS, suggesting that this protein is a homotrimer.  MW may differ from predicted MW due to post-translational modifications (PTMs) present (i.e. Glycosylation).Recombinant Human TNF-alpha  (Catalog # 210‑TA) induces cytotoxicity in the L-929 mouse fibroblast cell line in the presence of the metabolic inhibitor actinomycin D. The ED<sub>50</sub> for this effect is 25‑100 pg/mL.

Species Human
Applications BA

     3 Reviews

807 Publications
N/A IL-10 [Biotin]

Species Mouse
Applications ELISA

290 Publications
Measured in a cell proliferation assay using TF-1 human erythroleukemic cells. The ED<sub>50</sub> for this effect is 6-30 pg/mL.

Species Human
Applications BA

3 Publications
Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin: LAMC2 Antibody (CL2980) [NBP2-42388] - Staining in human fallopian tube and liver tissues. Corresponding LAMC2 RNA-seq data are presented for the same tissues.Western Blot: LAMC2 Antibody (CL2980) [NBP2-42388] - Analysis in A-431 cells transfected with control siRNA, target specific siRNA probe #1 and #2, using Anti-LAMC2 antibody. Remaining relative intensity is presented. Loading control: Anti-GAPDH.

Mouse Monoclonal
Species Human
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

4 Publications
Immunohistochemistry: CD4 Antibody [NBP1-19371] - Increased CD3+ and CD4+ T-cell occurrence in the brainstem of SHR-72 transgenic rat model for tauopathies. (A-D) Immunofluorescence staining showed CD4+ T-cells in SHR-72 transgenic animals. (E- H) Immunofluorescence staining showed more perivascular than brain parenchyma infiltrating CD4+ T-cells in SHR-72 transgenic animals. PLoS One. 2019 May 23;14(5):e0217216. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0217216.Immunohistochemistry: CD4 Antibody [NBP1-19371] - DBZ inhibits the accumulation of CD4+ T cells and Th2 differentiation in the AAAs. (B) The representation of immunohistochemical staining for CD4+ in abdominal aorta from four groups (left). Bar graphs show the percentage of CD4+ positive cell areas (right; n=3 per group). Bar: 50 um.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, Simple Western, Flow

     9 Reviews

50 Publications
Western Blot: MBP Antibody (12) [NB600-717] - Mouse Brain Tissue lysate probed with Rat anti MBP.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: MBP Antibody (12) [NB600-717] - Histological and mRNA analysis of the inflammatory cytokines in the vehicle- or etifoxine-treated mice at onset of clinical symptoms. At day 10 p.i., drug treated animals showed significant differences in MBP staining. Animals treated with etifoxine showed an increase in retention of percentage of MBP coverage (*p = 0.001).  Image collected and cropped by CiteAb from the following publication (, licensed under a CC-BY license.

Rat Monoclonal
Species Bovine
Applications WB, ELISA, ICC/IF

     3 Reviews

42 Publications
Western Blot: MOG Antibody [H00004340-B01P] - Analysis of MOG expression in rat brain.Western Blot: MOG Antibody [H00004340-B01P] - Analysis of MOG expression in transfected 293T cell line by MOG polyclonal antibody.  Lane 1: MOG transfected lysate(32.56 KDa). Lane 2: Non-transfected lysate.

Mouse Polyclonal
Species Human, Rat
Applications WB

     1 Review

Western Blot: Glutamine Synthetase Antibody [NB110-41404] - Analysis of glutamine synthase. 40ug of lysates from mouse (Lanes M), rat (Lane R), pig (Lane P), bovine (Lane B), or human (Lane Hu) retina were probed. A 42 kDa band was identified in lysates from retinas of all species.Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence: Glutamine Synthetase Antibody [NB110-41404] - Immunofluorescence using NB110-41404. Submitted via verified customer review.

Rabbit Polyclonal
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
Applications WB, ICC/IF, IHC

     1 Review

11 Publications

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Related PTMs

Autoimmune Diseases Of The Nervous System has been studied in relation to posttranslational modifications (PTMs) including:

Alternate Names

Autoimmune Diseases Of The Nervous System is also known as Autoimmune Disease, Neurologic, Autoimmune Diseases, Neurologic, Autoimmune Disorders Of The Nervous System, Autoimmune Nervous System Diseases, Autoimmune Nervous System Disorder.