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Application Focus: New Methods for iPSC Differentiation, Inducing a Mammary Fate

The use of Beta Actin (AC-15) as a loading control across multiple species

Actin is a fundamental component of the cytoskeleton, where it has the ability to create and break down actin filament formation in response to various cell needs.  Actin has six highly conserved isoforms, however beta and gamma actin are the two isoforms that are highly and ubiquitously expressed in the cell.  For this reason, measuring beta-actin levels has served as a useful control in research experiments in order to have a baseline of protein expression to compare cell manipulations to.  However, beta actin has other implications in scientific research aside from acting

The use of a GFP antibody for research applications in transgenic C. elegans, GFP tagged yeast and porcine model

GFP, or green fluorescent protein, is a chemiluminescent protein derived from Aequorea jellyfish that was first discovered by Osamu Shimomura.  It was soon after established that the emission spectra of GFP was right around 509nm, or the ultraviolet color range.  The GFP gene is often used to form expression constructs in order to closely follow protein behavior, cellular differentiation, protein localization and more.  The following articles employed a GFP antibody in conjunction with various other GFP construct techniques to strengthe

Alpha-smooth muscle actin and the modulation of endothelial and epithelial cell biology

Actin is essential for a wide range of cell functions, ranging from cell division and chromatin remodeling to vesicle trafficking and maintenance of cellular structure.