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The role of DNMT3B in the co-incidence of methyltransferase and tumor suppressor expression in malignancies

Epigenetics is the process of heritable change in gene activity despite alteration of the hosts DNA sequence, essentially causing a change in a phenotype without a change in the genotype of a host. To change the gene sequence without interfering with the DNA is accomplished by histone and DNA methylation.  Gene silencing in DNA methylation is carried out by DNA methyltransferases 1, 2 and 3a/b (DNMT1, DNMT2, DNMT3A/B). On a broad level, DNMT’s methylate the fifth carbon of cytosine residues in DNA within CG dinucleotides.

Role of RASSF1A in Death Receptor-Dependent Apoptosis

Death-receptor apoptosis, or cell death, is essential for cellular growth regulation; its disruption is expressed in a variety of cancers. We at Novus Biologicals are one of the leading antibody suppliersfor apoptosis and cancer research groups, and therefore have a large antibody database targeting death receptor proteins.