Novus Biologicals products are now on

Cluster of Differentiation

A Multicolored Approach to CD4 Antibody Assays

Novus Biologicals offers the widest selection of conjugated CD4 antibody products, with a database that's continually expanding to take into account the latest developments. This includes CD4 antibodies conjugated to Dynomics and PE fluorescent dyes, for FACS analysis.

CD Antibodies Uncover Markers for Rare Breast Cancer

We at Novus Biologicals have added several new products to our CD antibody database. The CD, or Cluster of Differential proteins are a family of type I transmembrane glycoproteins widely expressed in immune cell populations. These include B cells, thymocytes and peripheral T cells. Widely used as cell markers, a recent antibody study identified three CD proteins - CD44+, CD49fhi, and CD133hi – as new cell markers in an aggressive, but uncommon type of breast cancer.