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xCT: The Membrane's Gatekeeper

Mon, 01/06/2014 - 12:23

xCT is an obligate, electroneutral, membrane-bound anionic transporter responsible for regulating particular amino acid gradients via their transport through plasma membrane. The antiporter xCT superficially resembles an ion channel and preferentially catalyzes the exchange of L-cystine for L-glutamate residues in animal cells. Unlike other glutamate transporters like EAATs, xCT functions independently of an electrochemical sodium ion gradient. xCT is present in most peripheral tissues (heart, bone, liver, and testes). The xCT system is involved in antioxidation protection, stress, and intracellular redox balance. Balza’s group employed the xCT antibody in their chemopreventive and therapeutic efficacy studies with cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors on in vivo mouse sarcoma models (1). Their promising results suggest that combination targeting chemopreventive and therapeutic treatments could be effective. Other oncology clinical trials from Baek’s group used an isotopic tracer along with the xCT antibody to image the xCT in PET imaging in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and breast cancer (2). Their exploratory study and the xCT antibody suggest that their novel tracer has a relatively high cancer detection rate for NSCLC. The same group also did similar studies with xCT antibody in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and the tracer was performed strongly in those samples as well (3).

Immunohistochemistry: xCT Antibody Immunohistochemistry: xCT Antibody

A Spanish group of researchers investigating multiple sclerosis (MS) found that the xCT contributes to the harmful inflammation, oligodendrocyte damage, and excitotoxicity in demyelinating diseases (4).  xCT expression was extensively profiled through quantitative PCR, Western blotting, flow cytometry, and immunohistochemistry (IHC) using xCT antibody.

Novus offers an extensive selection of xCT reagents for your research needs, including:

  1. PMID: 23161574
  2. PMID: 22893629
  3. PMID: 23232273
  4. PMID: 3117706

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