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Analyzing Blood Diseases by Flow Cytometry

Tue, 05/07/2013 - 14:42

Studies on leukemias and other blood related malignancies is one of the most relevant investigational and medicinal applications of flow cytometry. In the bone marrow, normal blood cells undergo a progressive series of differentiation and branch off as myeloid, B and T cells. Hematological disorders can arise at any stage of the cell, while the differentiating cell will express a distinctive marker depending on the stage of differentiation. Antigen manifestation is routinely assessed by expending unconjugated monoclonal antibodies once the diagnosis of the hematological disorders has been recognized. Preliminary evaluations are usually made with a panel of antibodies using them in more than three combinations depending on the initial clinical observations.  Typically flow cytometry has been used for the diagnostic screening of B and T-cell lymoho proliferative disorders, myelodypastic syndromes and other related diseases. Immunological categorization of acute lymphoblastic leukemias, B, T and NK-cell lymphoproliferative disorder screening for genetic abnormalities has also been achieved by flow cytometry (1). Additionally the diagnostic value of immunological markers using the flow and detecting acute leukemias such as AML, B-ALL, T-ALL and chronic leukemias of B and T-lineage as well as NK-lineage is well documented (2).  Application of FACS in the analysis of blood related ailments will endure to expand with the advancements in the flow technique specifically in the areas of staining and multi-parameter evaluates, as well as assessment of new antibody reagents. Novus Biologicals in the fore front specializing in flow cytometry reagents and offer the latest range of investigative tools for your research needs.

  1. PMID: 16353215
  2. PMID: 8494205


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