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Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence protocol for Calreticulin Antibody (NB600-101)

Immunofluorescence Procedure

1) Cell cultures were treated using an HIER [heat-induced epitope retrieval] protocol.
2) Calreticulin polyclonal antibody [NB 600-101] was diluted 1:50 with a DAKO antibody diluent
3) Cultures and primary antibody were incubated at RT for 30 minutes.
4) Cultures were incubated with an Alexa green fluorescent secondary, as per manufacturer'??s protocol.
5) Cultures were observed on a Zeiss Axioconvert microscope and with DigiPix software.

**NOTE: COS7 and HCT29 cell cultures were used as positive controls for this antibody.