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Anti-Mouse HRP-DAB IHC Detection Kit Summary
Detection is based on the formation of the Avidin-Biotin Complex (ABC) with primary antibodies that react with tissue antigens under study. Visualization is based on enzymatic conversion of a chromogenic substrate 3,3' Diaminobenzidine (DAB) into a colored brown precipitate by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) at the sites of antigen localization, which can then be viewed using brightfield microscopy. The high detection sensitivity of staining kits is achieved by using high quality secondary Biotinylated Antibodies and High Sensitivity Streptavidin conjugated to HRP (HSS-HRP). High Sensitivity Streptavidin is a chemical analog of Streptavidin that has little net positive charge at neutral or slightly alkaline pH and will interact only with biotin attached to secondary antibodies. HSS-HRP shows little or no non-specific binding to phospholipids, nucleic acids and carbohydrate binding proteins.
The Cell and Tissue Staining Kits are manufactured to work equally well on cryostat and paraffin-embedded tissue sections, cytospin preparations (i.e. lymphocytes, monocytes, or transfected cells) and free-floating tissue sections. The kits are made in a ready-to-use format including pre-diluted secondary Biotinylated Antibodies and HSS-HRP that eliminates the need for extra steps in the procedure, minimizes hands-on time, maximizes convenience and reduces the risk of erroneous calculations.
Kit Type
IHC Detection Kit
Immunohistochemistry Free-Floating
Read Publication using CTS002-NOV in the following applications:
6 ml of a Biotinylated Anti-mouse Antibody (Vial A)
6 ml of a HSS-HRP (Vial B)
6 ml of a Peroxidase Blocking Reagent
6 ml of an Avidin Blocking Reagent
6 ml of Mouse Serum Blocking Reagent G
Dropper Bottle
Alternate Names for Anti-Mouse HRP-DAB IHC Detection Kit
IHC Detection Kit
The Anti-Mouse HRP-DAB IHC Detection Kit is intended for localization of antigens in a broad range of histological and cytological specimens. This kit should be used with a Mouse primary IgG antibody.
This product is for research use only and is not approved for use in humans or in clinical diagnosis. Kits are guaranteed for 6 months from date of receipt.
Publications for Anti-Mouse HRP-DAB Kit (CTS002-NOV)(1)
We have publications tested in 1 confirmed species: Mouse.
We have publications tested in 1 application: IF/IHC.