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Adipose Visceral Tissue Slides (Diabetes)- Frozen


Hematoxylin & Eosin Stain: Adipose Visceral Tissue Slides (Diabetes) [NBP2-77629] - Tissue: Human Visceral Adipose, Pathology: Diabetes Type II

Product Details

Reactivity HuSpecies Glossary
Applications Func, IHC

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Adipose Visceral Tissue Slides (Diabetes)- Frozen Summary

Each slide contains a single human adult tissue section, 5-10 um thickness that is mounted on a positively charged glass slide and fixed by cold acetone. The slides included in this package are adjacent/serial sections of adipose visceral tissue from one donor. Tissue was snap frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after excision and embedded in OCT. This product can be used for both immunohistochemistry and in-situ hybridization, especially for antibodies that don't recognize paraffin embedded tissue. At least one of the tissue slides from each lot was stained with H & E to ensure the quality (not included in the package).

Samples are IRB-approved from consented donors. Documentation on tissues' clinical histories may be available upon request. Donor information is also available upon request. Please contact for any questions or requests.

Please contact for all custom requests related to this product.


  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Immunohistochemistry-Frozen
  • In-situ Hybridization

Packaging, Storage & Formulations

Store at -70C. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.

Slide Details for Array

Tissue Condition


Donor information available upon request


This product is for research use only and is not approved for use in humans or in clinical diagnosis. Slides are guaranteed for 3 months from date of receipt.

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  • Review with no image -- $10/€7/£6/$10 CAD/¥70 Yuan/¥1110 Yen
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