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Survivin: Infographic

Survivin is involved in promoting cell proliferation and is an inhibitor of apoptosis. Survivin has a critical role in cancer proliferation and neural development. It may have an impact on neural cell proliferative responses following brain injury.

Learn more about Survivin in our infographic below.

Novus Biologicals offers various Survivin reagents for your research needs including:

ATG5: From Autophagy to Alzheimer's Disease

Autophagy is a conserved mechanism whereby cells form double membrane autophagosomes to sequester cytoplasmic components for subsequent destruction by fusion with lysosomes (eukaryotes) or vacuoles (yeast). Targets of autophagy include aging proteins, damaged organelles and invasive pathogens, and the resulting breakdown products can be recycled back to the cytoplasm for re-use under conditions of starvation (1).

The Importance of the COX IV Antibody to Apoptosis Research

COX IV isoform 1 is a nuclear-encoded polypeptide chain of the Cytochrome C Oxidase enzyme, located on the mitochondrial inner membrane. Owing to its widespread distribution in human and mammalian tissues, COX IV antibodies are widely used as loading controls for immunological assays.
