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FOXO1/FKHR (fork head in Rhabdomyosarcoma)

FOXO1 belongs to the very large Forkhead family of transcription factors which contain a conserved distinct DNA-binding domain known as the Forkhead Box, or FOX. The Forkhead domain is a 100 amino acid long motif capable of binding and bending DNA, and is also known as a “winged helix”. Forkhead family members are involved in a very diverse and wide range of physiological processes from cell cycle, apoptosis, and oxidative-stress resistance. The “O” class of proteins in particular are all regulated by the insulin/PI3K/AKT pathway.

Integrin beta 1 binding protein 2

ITGB1BP2 is a muscle-specific protein cloned by a rat created by Branccio's group in Italy that was found to interact with the cytoplasmic domain of integrin beta 11. It is expressed only in heart and skeletal muscle but is not essential for normal development and differentiation of these tissues. Branccio's group published a follow-up study in Nature Medicine using an ITGB1BP2 antibody that the protein plays a critical role in sensing mechanical stress due to pressure overloading2.

Aromatase - A Key Enzyme in the Biosynthesis of Estrogens

The enzyme, aromatase, belongs to cytochrome P450 family of monooxygenases known for their key role in drug catabolism and cholesterol/steroid synthesis. Aromatase uses a heme-group as a co-factor to catalyze the formation of aromatic C18 estrogens from C19 androgens. This conversion includes that of testosterone into estradiol as well as androstenedione to estrone. Aromatase is a peripheral membrane protein.


Cell death via apoptosis is a fundamental cellular function triggered by the cell death receptor family and their ligands which signal through downstream adaptor molecules and the caspase protease family. All caspases exist in a precursor form composed of a prodomain, and large and small catalytic subunits. Caspases require a cleavage adjacent to an aspartate to liberate one large and one small subunit, which can then associate into an a2b2 tetramer.

TRAIL-R1: A Trail of Death and Destruction

Cells undergo apoptotic programmed cell death in response to various stimuli. The process is required for morphogenesis, tissue homeostasis, and host defense. Certain cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and Fas ligand signal through death domain-containing receptors such as tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) and Fas.

Understanding Protein Folding with GRP78

HSP70 family member GRP78 (78 kD glucose-regulated protein) is an abundant protein cofactor commonly known as a molecular chaperone. Found in most eukaryotes, Hsp genes are members of a heat-inducible multigene family.

Mapping Signal Transduction with mTOR Antibodies

The protein encoded by mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), also known as dTOR in Drosophila, belongs to a family of phosphatidylinositol kinase-related kinases. These kinases regulate fundamental processes of cell growth, proliferation, metabolism

EZH2: Epigenetic Regulation Made Easy!

Enhancer of Zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) is the methyltransferase enzyme responsible for trimethylating lysine 27 on histone H3 to produce H3K27Me3. EZH2 is a polycomb group protein that is an essential epigenetic regulator that is often found deregulated in a wide variety of malignant cancer types.

Antibodies Targeting the mTOR Pathway for Many Diseases

The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a downstream effector of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt (protein kinase B) signaling pathway that mediates cell survival and proliferation. It is increasingly apparent that mTOR signaling impacts most major cellular functions.

Adiponectin Antibody: Not Such a Weighty Issue

Adiponectin (also called AdipoQ and Acrp30) is a circulating cytokine primarily expressed in adipose tissue. A complex protein with a number of physiological roles, adiponectin antibody experiments have revealed multiple forms of the protein in circulation, including trimers, multioligomers and cleavage fragments. We at Novus Biologicals stock an extensive range of adiponectin antibodies, as well as recombinant proteins and ELISA adiponectin antibody kits.
